small neighbourhood library: zines to share

an amount of small neighbourhood libraries has unexpectedly appeared in my life. ive been inrtigued by little libraries as a cool project to share things in theory, but the reality is more complicated: more people dump things they don't want, less people add exciting things. i've decided to "positively contribute to my community" or whatever with one-page zines. one-page zines are portable, cheap to print, and can be as exciting as you can imagine on absolutely any topic. my particular consideration was also being kid-friendly and kid-exciting, as the little library under my wrath is next to some playgrounds.

below is the collection of zines that i found and curated to be: one-pagers, have an option of being accessed for free, can be printed, are reasonably kid-friendly, and interesting to community beyond kids also. there is also a section below on zines of different formats than one-pagers and/or on topics that might be a bit trickier to explain to a kid, but i still would consider them for your (or even mine, in time) library.

a giant thank you to all the folks who've made the zines and resources displayed on this page. you rock. if you can, please donate or buy from these creatives and other maker folks in your life.

the zines i've printed:

things i'm considering printing next:

things that don't fit, either for topics or dimensions or else, but are great candidates:

zines that need extra formatting before printing

storage and shelving

  • i just. put all of the copies straight into the box as is, which created several problems: hard to display things in an inviting manner, hard to keep things organized, paper does get wet when its rainy outside. counterpoint: this still seems to work, even if imperfect.

  • popular options seem to be: milk cartons, cereal cartons, binders, boxes, cardboard pallets, etc.

  • shelving options by the zine librarians interest group

  • storage box template for 8-page mini zine collection by Carolyn Swiszcz

  • Make a Zine Display/Rack by dretime

last updated: 27/04/2024