visual art things, expanded description
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A Quaker meeting in pastel, 2021:
A square art piece in blue oil pastel and ink pens. The chairs are arranged in a circle and connected to one another with thin red lines, with a bright yellow light emerging from the centre. Window-like rectangles placed all over create smaller spaces within the piece.

Naloxone blockprint patches, 2023:
A bunch of patches of white fabric patches with red block print design of flowers, naloxone kit case with a red cross on it, and text reading: "I Carry Naloxone".

Homewarming painting, 2022:
An abstract painting with warm orange background featuring a sliced red apple with seeds inside. One of the seeds grows a tree with green leaves, as its roots hug the apple slice and host blue flowers. A text around the apple reads: "in this heart a home will grow".

A train of thought, 2019:
A collage piece on an abstract colouring page, half coloured. A cut-out photo of a train is surrounded by cut-outs of eyes, vials of medicine and pills, illustration of a crowd, a salamander, and a guitarist jumping up. One of the eyes sheds a tear-shaped rhinestone, and some small buttons and a spiral of yarn are scattered around.

My experience with Mental Health Act BC, 2019:
A sculpture combining a mannequin bust, painting, and collage. An armless, nude woman mannequin stares vacantly. It is painted in orange and pink colours of the sunset. Paper with text cut-outs resemble clouds and cover the figure, obscuring its features, almost suffocating it. The text the printout of Mental Health Act BC.

Ableists warding off patch, 2022:
A green felt patch with messy embroidered white text: "IN TRAINING" and "Please Ask Before Petting Me"

TDOR 2020:
Black ink block print on white paper featuring decorative flowers and branches alongside cursive text: "Trans Lives are Sacred"

Positive experiences of being out of touch with reality, 2022:
An abstract art piece of painting and collage. Lower half is painted purple and hosts patterned paper cut-outs of arrows and alphabet letters, with orange constellations painted over them. The upper half is painted orange and bedazzled with rhinestones and sparkly butterflies flying around. Beads with words are assembled to read: "When Sweetly Heart Believing Let Starful Beauty Play".

Psychosis narrative, 2021:
Four canvases in different styles of painting and drawing forming a complete story together. First panel features a messy black marker unbroken line drawing of a polaroid photo with a crying baby and furry animals staring at it; text reads: "I'm born to trouble / fate". Second panel features black, white, and red images of an anatomical heart, brain, and a lit cartoon bomb with an open shell and a pearl within it; text reads: "Inside a promise I can't escape". Third panel is an explosion of orange, green, and red colours and shapes of eyes and hands, with messy black text right side up and upside down reading: "It's the same old world but nothing looks the same". The fourth panel features a lit candle on red background, illuminating a white strip of canvas with cartoon eyes on it, with rain falling up and hands reaching out; text reads: "Make it rain / Make it rain".

Feeling on edge, in crayon, 2022:
A messy, colourful, and deliberately exaggerated crayon drawing of a person looking out of their bedroom window. The text reads: "This is my private life! Come & get me out of here!!"

Bite yourself block print design, 2022:
Black ink block print on white paper featuring an angular wolf biting its tail. The text in German reads: "Ich Muss Zoerstoeren".

Sad, now in French, 2021:
A painting in red and white of a person's face, tear running down their face, and a hand holding up a rose with spikes. The text in French reads: "Je hais les roses autant que mes sanglots".

Softer place, 2022?:
A flower-shaped canvas, covered in soft and colourful pompoms. On top of them are alphabet beads, reading: "The World Can Be A Softer Place".